Chiropractor Jennifer DenBleyker D.C.

Dr. Jennifer was raised in Michigan and Colorado. She attended Michigan State University for the pre-medical program and graduated from the National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, Illinois with B.Sc. Human Biology and Doctorate in Chiropractic.
She also attained certification in Theoretical and Practical Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, Radiography and Radiology, Dissection of the Human Body and Physiotherapy. She continually stays up to date on the latest in Chiropractic Medicine and Clinical Nutrition.
Following graduation, Dr. Jennifer moved to England where she lived and worked until her return to America post-cancer in 2010. She met and married her husband, Nate DenBleyker, in 2012 and is here to stay! She enjoys all sports, dancing, playing fetch with Sampson, adventures, travel, cooking and cultures.
Dr. Jennifer is a 3rd generation chiropractor, with 15 chiropractors in her immediate family. She was exposed to many of the chiropractic techniques available before chiropractic college. Her chiropractic training was very medical, to include all organ systems, laboratory diagnosis, internal exams etc. She is very grateful for such an excellent education – it has saved her life more than once.
Through experience, injuries, car accidents and cancer she learned and refined her post-graduate training to incorporate techniques that are based on the entire body systems and healing, not just manipulation. In 2003 she complete her Anusara Yoga Teacher Certification. In 2005 she complete her Advanced S.O.T. (Sacro-Occipital Technique) Certification, C.M.R.T. (Chiropractic Manipulation Reflex Technique – visceral work), in 2005 She received her N.L.P. Practitioner’s Certification (Neuro-Linguistic Programming – life coaching technique). Since then she has become certified in Advanced KinesioTaping (sports taping), N.S.A Level II Certification (Network Spinal Analysis), Golf Certification. In addition she has studied S.O.T. Craniopathy, Activator Technique, A.K. (Applied Kinesiology), A.R.T. (Active Release Technique – soft tissue technique), Dynamic Body Balancing, Instrument adjusting techniques (low force manipulation using mechanical instruments – aides in acute, pediatric, and elderly clients).
Dr. DenBleyker is qualified in Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Radiology, Laboratory Diagnosis and much much more. To view her Chiropractic College Syllabus (National University of Health Sciences) and understand her full chiropractic training click here: Phase I Phase II Phase III
Dr. Jennifer prides herself on having an entire toolbox of techniques to suit each individual, excellent education and a passion for helping people at the highest level. As the icing on the cake, Dr. Jennifer uses her family’s technique which has been proven through generations for dramatic results in the shortest time possible. Dr. Jennifer is continually learning and staying up to date on the latest technology to provide the best care possible. Dr. Jennifer is not technique-based, she is focused on systems within the body and you as a person. She takes a detailed medical history, performs a thorough examination and uses all her knowledge and skills to tailor the right treatment plan with the right technique and the right therapies for each person.
Dr. Jennifer is honored to be hand-picked as a teacher for S.O.R.S.I. International and serves on the Board of the Colorado Chiropractic Association.
Do you have pain and symptoms that are keeping you from doing what you want to do, how you want to do it, and when you want to do it? Have you been told “you just have to learn to live with it”? Have you tried other care with little relief? Are you looking for results in the shortest time possible?
Dr. Jennifer’s focus is to help you get out of pain, stabilize your spine and increase your function in the shortest amount of time possible. Her passion is helping you reclaim movement, life, passion and live with spontaneity! By offering the latest in technology and equipment, as well as studying numerous techniques in depth, Dr. Jennifer is able to offer you tailored care to meet your individual needs and get you back to doing what you love.
Dr. Jennifer is someone you can trust with your health, your friend’s and your family’s health.
1:30pm - 6:00pm
1:30pm - 6:00pm
1:30pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 12:00pm
1:30pm - 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Fluid Chiropractic and Cellular Therapy
1720 S Bellaire St # 906
Denver, CO 80222
CALL: (720) 603-9575
TEXT: (720) 603-9575